Thursday, September 26, 2013

New Technology

There are new dimensions to use of Mobile Phones, Internet Connection and other services that are connected on what we so called “Technology” nowadays.
Now we have an additional role to monitor the labor abuses in apparel making countries, it is emerging as an accelerating trend this year, and we know that technology now a days get bigger and wider every time the needs of the consumer increases and the demands arises. We can never say that we don’t need technology in this era because we are living in an instant and immediate season. Most young people in this generation depends on technology, especially Teenagers and Students for their projects and assignments and even their way of communication and also how technology affects their lives, as well as those people who is working that requires electricity like buildings, hotel or house and even those Restaurants and Bars that needs lights and etc. In short we can’t survive without all of this, without Cellphones, Computers, T.V, Ipod etc. because it’s already part of our lives. Our New Technology brings color and life in every place we go and those places we desire to stay. Our Technology contributes a lot in our country and even in our individual lives.

Even in Schools, teachers and students need the technology to enhance more their learning and for the teachers to catch the attention of their students to listen and make their learning experiences worth it. Technology is one of the primary sources of our learning today, we can learn via computer or you can study on your house with this wireless connection that sustains your connection daily. You can be updated in all the happenings around the world even outside of our country. New Technology at present time turns the heavy work into a light and effortless job.
Technologies makes the day of every individual to be more productive and meaningful, it can make our lives worth living for and enjoy our lives to the fullest.
Our new technology makes our living happy and easy, our technology is God’s gift for us to treasure and to use wisely. Technology can be our greatest friend or greatest enemy. So we must know how to use it well and properly.

Technology has a big contribution when it comes to buyer and purchaser, Like different Online shops that you can visit to buy something without hassle. The buyer can lessen his time to buy on actual buying place just to buy some of the ingredients of his/her recipes, or dresses or something we can buy online. It can reduce the time and effort to go to malls to buy something that can make you exert so much time.
Technology brings comfort and just as many people are thankful in our new technology because the things which we can do for 1 day, we can do just for an hour. We should learn to used and maximize our technology and used it to the fullest. We can use our technology in our daily needs but don’t forget to be balance in everything. Our New Technology in our environment changes, it could be just a blink of an eye, everything will change but the important is we learned something on it.

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