Thursday, September 26, 2013

Fashion Trends
Are you fond of updating your Dresses, your shoes or even your Bags and Accessories?
Fashion Trends intend to give those styles and manner that suits the occasions you might encounter with.  Being updated in every new thing is not that easy but Fashion Trends will help you to know every style you tend to do and dresses you want to wear.

Fashion trends set the mood of every person who wants to be noticed in their Fashion sense and style. Fashion directs the mood of every man and mostly woman who fond to be pretty in all their ways.

Vogue, United States in 1892, has been the longest lasting and most successful of the hundreds of fashion magazines that have come and gone followed by Men's Magazines in the 1990s. 

How to be Fashionable?

ü  Read Fashion Magazines
Vogue, Kiss, Elle and Cosmo Girl are recommended. They will become your primary source for following the rest of the step.
ü  Know what's "in"
Fashion goes through cycles. For example, Skinny jeans go in and out of Fashion periodically. The key to being Fashionable is timing.
ü  Know some Fashion Rules.
ü  Shop for Fashionable Dresses and Clothes.
Try something that no one has. Identify unique styles from independent Designers. Try shopping at Websites.
ü  Try to search Online for the newest Fashion.
 Read fashion Blogs. They can be helpful to know what the latest in trends is.
ü  Find people who you think Dress well and take inspiration from them.
It helps if they have a similar body type to you.
ü  Create a Fashion board in your room.
They're boards where you cut out and stick your favorite clothes and prints from magazines and then take them down again when they are no longer fashionable.
Fashion Terms

ü  Garment
An Article of Clothing.  A Fiber and textile material worn on the body.
ü  Accessories
A small Article or item of clothing carried or worn to complement a Garment or outfit.
ü  Fashion
The display of the currently popular style. The prevailing type of clothing that is favored by a large segment of the public at any given time.
ü  High Fashion
Items that are the very latest or newest fashions. They are usually innovative, expensive and of fine quality.
ü  Mass Fashion (volume fashion)
Usually accounts for the majority of sales in the Fashion Business. Sometimes it said to be "Homogenized" because they are produced in such large quantities and accepted by such a mass of people that they seem to be alike, even though produced by many different Companies.
ü  Design
A particular or unique version of a style.
ü  Avant Garde
Clothes that are most daring Wild Designs / Unconventional.
ü  Fad
Temporary, passing Fashion. Great appeal for a short amount of time.
ü  Classic
A style of Design that continues to be popular over an extended period of time, even though Fashions change.
ü  Ford
A style or Design that is produced at the same time by many different manufacturers at many different prices. Also known as a Best Seller or Runner.
ü  Fashion Look
A total accessorized outfit.
ü  Taste
The prevailing opinion of what is attractive and appropriate for a given person and occasion.

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